Please read the information below so you are informed of the procedures you should follow during your period of layoff. The steps are as follows:
1. You must contact the Union Office. Notify them of your layoff date and make sure you are put on the Out of Work List. Please leave a message if no one is available.
2. File for unemployment benefits. You may contact your local unemployment office by phone or online at You should file each time your employer notifies you to take time off. Remember, what sometimes appears as a short layoff may turn into a long layoff.
3. Call the Benefit Plan at 1-800-523-4702. You should check your insurance status. The Union Office will not have this information. Your benefits will continue for some time after a layoff, but only the Benefit Plan can give you the exact amount of time. TheBenefit Plan can also inform you of extended benefits, should your layoff status remain for a long period.
4. Apply for Dues Relief. To be eligible for Dues Relief, you 1) must be current with your dues at the time of request, and 2) must remain unemployed for a minimum of eight (8) weeks. This dues status allows you to remain in good standing with full participation in the affairs of the Local. Please fill out the dues relief form if you wish to be considered for Dues Relief.
5. Apprentices must remain in school unless otherwise instructed by NEIEP. In order to be eligible to work in the industry, apprentices must be enrolled in school.
6. Make sure the Local has all your current information (address, phone numbers). If a job opportunity arises, the Union will attempt to contact you. If you leave town, notify the Local of how to contact you. You must not accept employment without first notifying the Union.
7. When you return to work, you must call the Union Office and report your rehire date.The Union will send this information to the Benefit Plan.